What you should know about the team at Top-Shelf Processing

We value relationships with our partners

Notice we said partners, not clients. We view those we work with as partners. We believe in mutually beneficial relationships in which all of us grow together.

We speak openly and honestly

As partners, we are upfront and honest in our communication. We believe the best way to keep you informed and build trust is through transparency and regular communication.

We believe in hard work

When we go to work every day, we give everything we’ve got. We’re here to make a difference for our business and yours.

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We let our results speak for themselves

If we do good work, the results will speak for themselves. More importantly, our partners – mortgage brokers, lenders, etc. – will speak for us.

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We have fun and value individuality

If you haven’t noticed, we like to have a little fun! We take what we do seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We believe in being real with ourselves and our partners.